Yacht's registration

We have been registering boats all over Europe for years, and by the thousands! No, the number is not the most important thing, what counts is the satisfaction our clients have with us after our intervention.

Register-Your-Boat.com is a team based in the South of France, in Antibes, the biggest yachting harbour in Europe. A strategic place for yachting but also and above all for sailing in the whole Mediterranean and its exceptional playground

Do you need help to choose the best option ?


Why Should I register my boat ?


Registering your boat is a compulsory formality that allows you to navigate in international waters, obtain a place in port, but above all, obtain insurance, and above all avoid having your boat seized by the authorities of the country you are visiting.
The choice of flag is not to be taken lightly. A country with a large number of boats registered in its registers, whose vessels are regularly received in marinas or merchant ports, will of course be less likely to be inspected by the local customs or maritime authorities.
The same applies to EU flags, for example, it is preferable to register your boat in a European country when sailing in EU waters.
On the other hand, some Community flags are only available to EU residents, while others offer solutions for all owners, without differentiating between the nationality of the owner or his country of residence.
Therefore, situations should be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on your nationality, the year of construction and model of the boat, your sailing schedule and your country of residence.

"We take care of your file remotely, and we take care of all the steps until we issue you a registration certificate with a registration number, whether at maritime or inland waters."


Your situation seems inextricable? Please challenge us !

You already know where to register your boat ?

Let's register my boat !

Over the years, we have developed a specialised expertise that has enabled us to become the standard bearer of the French yachting flag, but also a key player in the Mediterranean yachting industry.

We are able to register your boat in France of course, but also in Poland, Belgium, San Marino, Delaware, Langkawi, etc...

You buy a boat in Spain and you want to register it in another country to avoid heavy procedures and periodic safety visits? You have a boat that has been registered in Belgium for years but your flag letter is due for renewal? Is your Dutch flag no longer accepted? Here is a brief sample of our field of action.

As you will have understood, we are here to find solutions to your problems regarding the registration and flagging of boats!


But don't worry, we have clients in the Caribbean, the Pacific Ocean, the American East Coast and East Asia. Sailing has never stopped at borders, so why should we?